the future of
B2B commerce
AI-Powered platform to digitize your B2B orders, automate repetitive tasks and boost sales
Featured in
Our mission is to empower brands, wholesalers, and distributors with the tools and support to thrive in today's digital economy.
sales growth
time saving per
employee per week
processed orders
Our testimonials

Paolo Grue
CEO Procter & Gamble

A major opportunity for businesses is to enhance productivity and create value by leveraging technology. Volta's plug-and-play solution automates costly processes, enabling companies to focus on high-value tasks with a simple, fast, and seamlessly integrated interface.

Matteo Fabbrini
Founder Faba

Volta marks a breakthrough for companies aiming to optimize B2B order management. The platform saves time and resources with an integrated, user-friendly solution that simplifies complex processes and enhances customer responsiveness.

Gavino Cabras
CEO Star Europa

I chose Volta to drastically improve the quality of work in my company and accelerate the efficiency of daily operations. I was impressed by the simplicity and completeness of the solution.

Bernard Raphelis
CEO Use-Udj

Volta has transformed how our team collaborates. Overlapping tasks and miscommunication are now a thing of the past. With Volta, our workflow is streamlined, boosting productivity and ensuring clear task ownership. It's a game-changer for team efficiency.
Sales growth.
Customer loyalty.
Comprehensive metrics to track your business growth
AI-powered alerts with actionable tasks
User-friendly, intuitive design and features
Integrations with all your existing systems
Volta integrates effortlessly with your tech environment, delivering powerful automations and actionable insights to boost team collaboration and productivity.
Benefits for all your team
Get up and running in just 3 weeks — Request your demo today and transform your B2B operations.
In the spotlight
Volta Journal includes industry news, guides, tips, success stories, and inspirational articles. Stay updated on the latest news from the Volta ecosystem.
Still have questions ?
Discover how Volta can benefit your business. Book a free demo now.
the future of
B2B commerce
AI-Powered platform to digitize your B2B orders, automate repetitive tasks and boost sales
Featured in
Our mission is to empower brands, wholesalers, and distributors with the tools and support to thrive in today's digital economy.
sales growth
time saving per
employee per week
processed orders
Our testimonials

Paolo Grue
CEO Procter & Gamble

A major opportunity for businesses is to enhance productivity and create value by leveraging technology. Volta's plug-and-play solution automates costly processes, enabling companies to focus on high-value tasks with a simple, fast, and seamlessly integrated interface.

Matteo Fabbrini
Founder Faba

Volta marks a breakthrough for companies aiming to optimize B2B order management. The platform saves time and resources with an integrated, user-friendly solution that simplifies complex processes and enhances customer responsiveness.

Gavino Cabras
CEO Star Europa

I chose Volta to drastically improve the quality of work in my company and accelerate the efficiency of daily operations. I was impressed by the simplicity and completeness of the solution.

Bernard Raphelis
CEO Use-Udj

Volta has transformed how our team collaborates. Overlapping tasks and miscommunication are now a thing of the past. With Volta, our workflow is streamlined, boosting productivity and ensuring clear task ownership. It's a game-changer for team efficiency.
Sales growth.
Customer loyalty.
Comprehensive metrics to track your business growth
AI-powered alerts with actionable tasks
User-friendly, intuitive design and features
Integrations with all your existing systems
Volta integrates effortlessly with your tech environment, delivering powerful automations and actionable insights to boost team collaboration and productivity.
Benefits for all your team
Get up and running in just 3 weeks — Request your demo today and transform your B2B operations.
In the spotlight
Volta Journal includes industry news, guides, tips, success stories, and inspirational articles. Stay updated on the latest news from the Volta ecosystem.
Still have questions ?
Discover how Volta can benefit your business. Book a free demo now.